  • eBinti Offers you a secure email service, signup on the right and a comprehensive Professional Phone Directory.
  •  We are a professional free service provider for your directory listings 
  • We do not take responsibility for the actions of any listing or any user. However, any deceptive listing will be suspended till proven otherwise. 
  • BizPike reserves the rights to delist or refuse to publish any non-varifiable listing.
  • You must enter a valid email address and a working phone number for varification. Your cellular/mobile phone will be used for security protocol. 
  • You have the right to keep certain information private. You can make such a request by an email message. The profile contents are updated and edited by the owner user only.  
  • A complaint or comment against any listing will be posted in the profile area and the listed professional will have the ability to respond but not delete such a complain or remark. 
  •  Please sign up and edit your information.
  • Each listing has a unique BizPike generated ID.  Please mention this ID from your Profile, if your name or business is already listed here. You can find this informationin by clicking at your listing. Your ID is your last name followed by numbers. Please Contact  us for any information or if you need help.
  • Please read the user agreement for our code of conduct and business.
  • Welcome aboard.